For the past 15 months I have called Downtown Santa Cruz our home base for pop ups. The growth I’ve seen, the connections I’ve made and the energy you all brought have been beyond anything I’ve imagined. You’ve been more than customers - you’ve been co-conspirators, friends and allies in something bigger than all of us.
As I continue to push the boundaries of what Coffee Conspiracy can be a new opportunity has emerged. One that will allow me to launch the brand to the next level.
After deep reflection I have made the decision to close my downtown pop up. This choice wasn’t made lightly. Downtown has been our stomping ground and HQ for over a year now.
But with growth comes change…
I am EXCITED to announce that we have been presented with an opportunity to shift into a space 2.5x the size of our current one. This is our chance to go bigger, bolder and more disruptive. The new location will give us the room we need to continue driving the brand forward. It is the next step in our journey and a chance to take everything we have built over the last 4 years and amplify it.
I am unable to announce the new location yet, but when you hear where we are popping up next you are going to lose your SHIT.
Thank you for your unwavering support, for believing in the mission and for being a part of the story. Without you all this simply is not possible. This is not the end, but a new beginning and the next chapter of our journey together.
Our Final Day of operation at 111 Locust Street will be Sunday Sept 1st. We will have a 2 month pause in service while we prep the new space.
Look out for some pop ups sprinkled in between.
The Conspiracy continues…..